Laplace transform / unit step / present value

On Thu, May 03, 2007 at 01:02:49PM -0400, Rogers, Raymond wrote:
> You can try multiplying the Laplace xfrom of the function by exp(-s*td)/s .
> Remember that the Laplace xform is basically a modulation of a function by a
> step starting at 0.  There are details relating to starting values and
> derivatives; but these are intrinsic to the real problem solution anyway.

I'm going to wind up creating a large set of linear combinations of
various things multiplied by step functions. (think starting and
stopping projects, hiring people, buying and selling assets at various
times, various rates of growth of costs for various projects, etc) So
while I can handle a single step function easily "by hand", I want to
get maxima to handle the real step function issues
automatically. There might be 30 or 40 step or delta functions in the
final scenarios, with the step times each having a probability
distribution related to them. 

Daniel Lakeland
dlakelan at