Hello *,
I've just committed maxima-5.12.0.ebuild to the Gentoo science overlay. To
use it in Gentoo, do:
emerge layman
layman -a science
(if you have not done so yet), then add the line
sci-mathematics/maxima ~x86
(if your architecture is x86; otherwise, try this ebuild loaclly ind
inform me about successes/failures), and then
emerge maxima
Tested with clisp-2.41, gcl-2.6.7, sbcl-1.0.4, cmucl-19d_p2. rmaxima works
in a little strange way with rlwrap-0.24; does anybody know how to fix
this? Well, it's usable anyway.
If you want to use maxima-5.12.0 from TeXmacs, you have to update your
TeXmacs to (in the same science overlay).