more build problems, STEP-FUN in LOOP must be a function
Subject: more build problems, STEP-FUN in LOOP must be a function
From: Stavros Macrakis
Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 18:28:59 -0400
On 5/4/07, Rainer Joswig <joswig at> wrote:
> (defmacro pt-red (terms) `(cddr ,terms))
> (defun pctimes1 (c terms)
> (loop for (exp coef) on terms by #'pt-red
> ...
ANSI Common Lisp defines the STEP-FUN in LOOP
> to be a function. We cannot use a macro here.
> Probably there are more places where macros are
> used like this?
Isn't there a "strict" mode in any Common Lisp compiler that will catch
things like this?