Brent's method of root finding

A very quick look over brent.c seems to indicate that it is either based on
the NR code, or that both brent.c and the NR code share a common ancestor.
If you like I could scrap bzero and turn brent.c into brent.mac...  The GNU
software Octave contains fzero.m, which is an implementation of Brent's
method, again seemingly based on the same original source.

A look over most of them seems to indicate that the only thing which is
different about the NR code is the check for the number of iterations.


On 5/9/07, Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at> wrote:
> There is a version of Brent's algorithm in the Gnu Scientific Library (
>  I have not studied it or tested it.
> It is released under GPL.  I'm attaching it for your convenience.
>              -s