Dear Mario,
thanks very much for your support.
That's exactly what I was looking for :)
HTH Wolfgang
"Mario Rodriguez" <biomates at> schrieb:
> > I use (wx)Maxima 5.12 .
> > AFAIK it is only possible to draw vectors in 2D e.g. using draw2d( vector(..)).
> > Is there a possibility to draw vectors in 3D?
> > Currently my work around is to use 2 points_jointed and a thicker point as arrow head ..
> Wolfgang,
> I've just commited a new version of draw with 3d vectors; once you place
> draw.lisp in your local share/draw folder, try
> load(draw);
> draw3d(/* example 1 */
> line_width = 3,
> vector([1,1,1],[1,1,1]),
> /* example 2 */
> color = red,
> line_width = 1,
> head_both = true,
> vector([3,3,3],[1,1,1]));
> (Remember: vector([x,y,z],[dx,dy,dz]) means vector [dx,dy,dz] with
> origin in [x,y,z])
> This object should be affected by the following options: head_both,
> head_length, head_angle, head_type, line_width, line_type, key and
> color, which are all documented in Maxima 5.12; e.g. ? head_type, etc.
> However, I see there are problems with options head_length and
> head_angle in 3d. I'll try to see why I cannot resize and change the
> arrow head.
> I hope you'll find it usefull.
> --
> Mario Rodriguez Riotorto