make_lambda function to construct a lambda expression

On 5/11/07, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> wrote:
> I wonder what anyone thinks of Maxima having a built-in
> function to construct a lambda expression....
> F (a) := make_lambda (['x], 'x * a);

 Why is this better than funmake( 'lambda,['[x], 'x*a ]) ?

Actually, I prefer funcall('lambda,'[x],'x*a), but funcall is not part of
standard Maxima.

Here is a possible implementation of make_lambda.
> make_lambda (v, expr) := buildq ([v, expr], lambda (v, expr));

I think you mean "::=" here -- buildq is specifically designed for use in
macros and quotes its arguments (hence the "q" in its name).
