(replying to both letters simultaneously)
Jaap Spies wrote:
> Vadim wrote:
>> Hedos wrote:
>>> such as
>>> Maxima, or perhaps as somebody else mentionned, SAGE?
>> However studying SAGE has many YES and NOs, IMO.
>> Essentially SAGE is a bridge between different CAS systems.
>> So deepening into it will allow you to widen your vision on the subject.
> SAGE is much more than that, see:
> http://www.sagemath.org/ or http://sage.math.washington.edu/sage/
Please do not get me incorrectly.
I consider SAGE as very interesting and very helpful project.
New CAS users probably get lost ingreat number of different mathematical
packages, and SAGE is wonderful lead and unification.
It has obviously many efforts spent, and there is large auditorium who
benefit from these efforts.
>> On the other side, while there are many applauses to SAGE, I do not see
>> it really much useful.
>> It connects different CAS mostly using commands and pipes, which I find
>> as not a robust way.
> Why not?
process could produce unexpected result at unexpected time or even get
killed - and pipe reader could get confused.
Pipe concept is a "narrow" place between different OS, windows console
applications process parameters in a weird way, yet they usually invoke
instance of CMD.exe.
Okay, in the current reality nothing better could be suggested, and this
is certainly not a show-stopper.
>> It uses the Python language, and everywhere in the code it mentions how
>> much Perl is bad programming language.
> This is certainly not true!
okay, not everywhere.
everywhere when perl is used.
>> IMO just striping away all impolite comments from SAGE will improve its
>> overall impression.
> Please give an example of impolite code!
> I invite everybody to view the code on the homepage of SAGE:
> http://www.sagemath.org/hg/sage-main?cmd=manifest;manifest=-1;path=/sage/
untar distribution and look into the "doc" directory.
many files within doc-x.xx/perl/ directory has comments like
1; # stupid perl...
I'm not against personal dislikes.
IMO having such lines in code is showing disrespect to other opinions.
Compared to LISP all languages are stupid :) :) :)
Best regards,