ratpoi/pois3 redefinitions

Richard Fateman wrote:

> Yes, I wrote the poisson stuff.
> As I recall, there are two different encoding schemes used for the 
> coefficients, one more efficient (but restricted to CRE) than the other, 
> which uses the general simplify  "SIMPLIFYA" program.
>  It was intended that only ONE of the two poisson series packages be loaded.
> Someone (Perhaps Bill Schelter?) seemed to set up the system so that 
> they both were loaded.
> But then someone (else?) decided to comment out all the code in one of 
> them, pois2.
> The version that is left, pois3, does not use CRE..
> Consequently, the code in ratpoi, which uses CRE, is overwritten and is 
> never used.

Yes and apparently it runs the few tests that are in the testsuite

So we could eliminate ratpoi.lisp? And remove quite a few compiler
warnings that way (I'm donw to 27 in clisp now, after the last
changes in the fortran translated code).

Robert would you remove ratpoi.lisp from cvs?
