Here's some more bizarreness in EV I ran across while working on something
else (not EV).... Perhaps I should start a Wiki page on EV to document
Quotes and noeval are hard to understand.
A block([x:9], 'x) => 'x OK
B 'x, x=9 => 9 Hey, why ignore the quote?
C 'x,x=9,noeval => 9 ... even with noeval ??
Functions are treated differently from variables
D f(x),f(y):=y^2 => x^2 OK
E '(f(x)),f(y):=y^2 => x^2 Just like B
F '(f(x)),f(y):=y^2,noeval => f(x) Not like C, which would give
G '(f(x)),f=lambda([y],y^2) => x^2 Like C, not like F
Let's look at this more systematically:
H [ x, '(x), '('(x)) ], x=9 => [9, 9, x]
I [ x, '(x), '('(x)) ], x=9, noeval => [9, 9, '9] ??? H gives x,
but noeval gives '9?
Subscripted variables are treated differently:
J [ x[1], '(x[1]), '('(x[1]))], x[1]=9 => [9, 9, 9] Inconsistent
with H
K [ x[1], '(x[1]), '('(x[1]))], x[1]=9, noeval => [9, 9, '9] Consistent with
Noeval changes the meaning of clause order:
L x,x=y,y=z => y OK
M x,y=z,x=y => y OK
N x,x=y,y=z,noeval => z ??? What does noeval have to do with order?
O x,y=z,x=y,noeval => y OK
And there's more....
P h(x),x=5,h(q):=x+q^3 => 130
Q h(x),h(1):h1,x=5,h(q):=x+q^3 => 130
R h(x),h(0):h0,x=5,h(q):=x+q^3 => h0^3+5 ???!!!
S h(x),h(0):h0,x=5,h(q):=x+q^3,noeval => h(h0) ???!!!
T g[x],x=5,g[q]:=x+q^3 => 130
U g[x],g[1]:g1,x=5,g[q]:=x+q^3 => x + 125
V g[x],g[0]:g0,x=5,g[q]:=x+q^3 => g0^3+5 ???!!!
W g[x],g[0]:g0,x=5,g[q]:=x+q^3,noeval => g[g0] ???!!!
Is this behavior that any sane user will find intelligible, consistent, and