
Richard Fateman wrote:
> No. the technique used by this is "derivative divides".
> Integrate U*V  by seeing if dU/dx divides V.  It does.  Integral is U^2/2.
> U=sin
> V=cos
>   one has to take care of constant factors too.
> Substitution as taught "by hand" is not needed.
I was just wondering how it picks U and V, because if it picked it the 
other way around then then it would give sin^2(x)/2 as the answer.

I also tried
integrate(cos(n*x)*sin(n*x),x,0, t)
but this doesn't give an answer. Does Maxima know how to do the definite 
integral from zero to t ?

By the way I am using
I do this because I can use it from any lecture room without having 
Maxima installed .
