how do I use upper indicies in Maxima?

On 5/17/07, Vadim <vadim at> wrote:

> in TexMacs when I do
> alpha[0];
> I see small greek letter alpha with lower index zero.
> 1. How do I specify *upper* indicies?

Aside from tensors, I think the only way to display an index above
is to write it as an exponent, e.g. x^k.

But the tensor code has its own TeX output, which, it appears,
has to be loaded separately from the tensor code proper,
and which is called by tentex instead of tex.
E.g. load(tentex); tentex(my_tensor_expr);
I wonder if we should make that more automatic:
loading one of the tensor packages could imply loading tentex,
and tentex could be called whenever tex is called on a tensor expression.

> 2. Yet, how do I specify several indicies at once? "alpha[ij]; " isn't
> what I want, because it refers to ij, but specifying coma looks
> confusing (IMHO)

Writing alpha[i, j] is the only way to specify multiple indices so far
as I know (but, again, the tensor code has its own formating).

> 3. why I need to use %gamma to use small greek gamma, but small greek
> alpha designated as "aplha". Could this inconsistency factored out
> somehow? (by undefining another gamma definition?)

Well, this is an attempt to accomodate the convention that the
function commonly called the gamma function is displayed
with a big letter gamma in equations, while the Euler-Mascheroni
constant, also called gamma, is displayed with a small letter.
I agree that this is confusing.

Aside from changing the built-in TeX output for gamma, which
I'm willing to consider, you could enter this:
texput (gamma, "\\gamma");
and it should change the way gamma is displayed.

Robert Dodier