I don't think there currently is an automatic routine which does this,
but you can easily write your own using the 'draw3d' routine. That
routine allows you to plot point sets in 3d. So, you only need to generate a set
of short arrows (unions of three line segments) and use draw3d to plot
the set.
On Thu, 17 May 2007, Thomas Widlar wrote:
> Does Maxima have a capability to plot a 3D vector field (with arrows), for
> example, a velocity field of meteorology.. GNUplot seems to do only surface
> representations in 3D.
| Sheldon E. Newhouse | e-mail: sen1 at math.msu.edu |
| Mathematics Department | |
| Michigan State University | telephone: 517-355-9684 |
| E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA | FAX: 517-432-1562 |