EMaxima: maximaoutput invisible?

[max.e.brown at gmail.com, Mon, 21 May 2007 11:23:15 +0200]:
> E.g. I create a new cell (C-c C-o), put "integrate(1/x, x)" in it, and
> try C-c C-u c. A line \maximaoutput pops up, below which
> is... nothing?
> -8<--------------------
> \begin{maxima}
> integrate(1/x, x)
> \maximaoutput
> \end{maxima}
> -8<--------------------

I get the same if I leave out the final semicolon or dollar sign.
However, the following works:

| \begin{maxima}
| integrate(1/x, x);
note semicolon!    ^
| \maximaoutput
|       				    log(x)
| \end{maxima}

