By this, I think you simply want to plot piecewise smooth functions.
I use simple functions (sums of constants times the characteristic
functions of intervals) as follows.
Define the UnitStep and Indicator functions as follows:
UnitStep(x):= (signum(x) + 1)/2;
Ind(a,b,x):= UnitStep(x-a) - UnitStep(x-b);
Suppose f(x) has the values
1.7 in [0,1]
-2.0 in [1,2]
3.4 in [2,3]
0 elsewhere
Just write
f(x):= 1.7*Ind(0,1,x) - 2.0*Ind(1,2,x) + 3.4*Ind(2,3,x);
On Tue, 22 May 2007, Wolfgang Lindner wrote:
> dear group,
> AFAIK I have seen plots of Riemann sums using Maxima - but I don't know anymore where it
> was. I seek in the help file and the tutorials too, in vain.
> Could anyone help me, please.
| Sheldon E. Newhouse | e-mail: sen1 at |
| Mathematics Department | |
| Michigan State University | telephone: 517-355-9684 |
| E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA | FAX: 517-432-1562 |