plot3d openmath question

Thanks but just to be clear, I'm interested in knowing whether or not there is a
command such as

plot3d (2^(-u^2 + v^2), [u, -3, 3], [v, -2, 2], [plot_format,
openmath], [openmath_output_file, ""]);

or something like that. I'm not interested in using the mouse.


On 5/23/07, Jaime E. Villate <villate at> wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-05-23 at 19:00 -0400, David Joyner wrote:
> > Is there an option to add to
> >
> > plot3d (2^(-u^2 + v^2), [u, -3, 3], [v, -2, 2], [plot_format,
> > openmath]);
> >
> > which simply saves the surface plot to a jpg or png file, instead of
> > plotting in an openmath window? I only know how to do this using
> > gnuplot.
> Currently, openmath can only save the graph in postscript format;
> no jpg or png. There are other external programs that you can use
> to convert postscript to jpeg or png.
> Regards,
> Jaime Villate