Daniel Lakeland wrote:
> You could have the students simply enter something like:
> (%i0) crunch_results("file name",trials,"chemical name", molarmass);
Well, most of them have hard time even understanding what directories
are and how you specify paths (without file selector dialogs).
Just plain command line is not going to work in practice (or it would if
allocate 100% of my time for helping them out - I have to do research
Anyway, I could just use maxima (since readline works fine there) but
then, for example, how would one print out graphs? In plain maxima,
plot2d et al. pop up a gnuplot window and it is not possible print
anything from there. I could ask them to generate postscript (or
whatever printer type they might have) but this is again getting to be
too complicated. For this reason, I would prefer using wxmaxima because
it is easy to print graphs (& output) from there but the readline issue
still persists.
Well, it looks like there is no simple solution to this. I will probably
have to experiment some more before switching away from mathematica.
Thanks for your helpful comments,
Jussi Eloranta
Cal State Northridge