1. OK, my maxima program to draw the two plots from the huge tstdata0.txt
works. Parsetoken was a key. This is the version with the dreaded
for loops and which processes the data on the fly with readline. The
variable debug :1 shows progress and debug : 0 runs silent.
2. The program takes about a minute. In wxmaxima I did demo("drawtest.mac")
and batch("drawtest.mac"). Maxima ran batch("drawtest.mac"). fine, but would
not run demo("drawtest.mac").
3. Now I will get Robert's list processing working. The read_list would
still take about 2 hours in wxmaxima.
4. apply(draw3d,vv) worked fine as Mario suggested. When I tried
draw3d(vv,xrange=[0,ii*dx],yrange=[0,jj*dy],zrange=[0,kk*dz],title =
"Test 1")
instead, I got Graphical 3d object errexp1 is not recognized -- an error.
5. I did this to help a friend with his project. Both of us are very
with the quick, friendly and knowledgeable help you've given us. Nikos
Apostolakis advice help him get maxima with draw running in Linux. He also
asks "Is there a possibility to see which Gnuplot commands Maxima generates
to plot the vectors?"
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