no more stupid errors

Yes, about 2 hours, with  numericalio.lisp modified 5/23/2007  4.14pm

(defun $read_list (file-name &optional sep-ch-flag)
  (let ((A '()) (L))
    (setq file-name (require-string file-name))
    (with-open-file (in file-name :if-does-not-exist nil)
       ((not (null in))
    (let ((sep-ch (get-input-sep-ch sep-ch-flag file-name)))
       (setq L (read-line in nil 'eof))
       (if (eq L 'eof)
           (return (cons '(mlist simp) (nreverse A))))
       ;; use nreconc accumulation to avoid n^2 cons's
       (setq A (nreconc (cdr (make-mlist-from-string L sep-ch)) A)))))
       (t (merror "read_list: ~S: no such file" file-name))))))

Stavros Macrakis wrote:

> On 5/25/07, Thomas Widlar <twidlar at 
> <mailto:twidlar at>> wrote:
>     3. Now I will get Robert's list processing working. The read_list
>     would
>     still take about 2 hours in wxmaxima.
> With the new version of read_list I sent you?
>             -s