
 From your explanation,  parsetoken is certainly the wrong name. 
Parsetoken is what you
would expect a function that served in the front end of a compiler or 
interpreter which
determined  what type each word of the source code was, number, symbol, 
word, op, etc.

Stavros Macrakis wrote:

> Speaking of misleading names, contrib/stringproc has a routine called 
> parsetoken which reads an integer or float from a string (using the 
> Lisp reader, as it happens), e.g.
>         parsetoken("2.3") => 2.3
>         parsetoken("2/3") => 2/3  (I just fixed this case; previously 
> it returned a CL rational)
> Useful functionality.  But, as its documentation says, it only works 
> on numbers, not tokens in general:
>         parsetoken("foo") => false
>         parsetoken("*") => false
> And not all Maxima numbers:
>          parsetoken("2.3b0") => false
> (Incidentally, t also works on a lot of things that aren't numbers in 
> Maxima syntax, like 2.3s0, #C(23 0), and `````,,,23 (but not ,,,23). 
> -- but let's not worry about that... The speed advantage of the Lisp 
> reader is handy sometimes....)
> Shouldn't we call this something like parse_number?  Even that is 
> misleading, because it doesn't handle bfloats.