
There are probably more books that are about Mathematica and some about
Maple. Much of what they say can be translated into Maxima/Macsyma.
You can find books by Richard Rand on Macsyma applications in perturbation
analysis.  There are many proceedings of conferences that may be helpful.
ISSAC is well known, but has become much less relevant to "programming
applications" recently.
It may be better to pick a  particular "symbolic computing" application
first, and look for books.


From: maxima-bounces at [mailto:maxima-bounces at]
On Behalf Of ahmet alper parker
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 8:38 AM
To: maxima at
Subject: book

Dear all,
Can someone refer me a good book on programming symbolic computing
applications? It may be both lisp oriented or not.
Best Regards
Ahmet Alper Parker