contrib - descriptive - correlation coefficient

dear group,

I try to compute the corr.coeff. of a datamatrix X|Y.
I use three methods at the moment to calculate this for an example datamatrix:


[1] use package 'descriptive' and functions mean() and std() 
    to z-transform the data X and Y and than do:

rXY :  (zX.zY)/length(X);
==> 0.979

[2] use the cov-matrix of package 'descriptive' 
    and write a selfmade function:

corr_coef(XY) := block([cv: cov(XY)], cv[1,2]/sqrt(cv[1,1]*cv[2,2]);
corr_coef(XY), numer;
==> 0.979

[3] use package 'stats' 
    and look into the output of 'simple_linear_regression':

===> 0.979

Here are my questions:

Q1: what is the most simple method to transform the splitted data
    into the above data_matrix_ XY as input for cov()?

Q2: is there a 'corr.ceff?'-function already implemented I have overlooked?
    What method is to be prefered in your opinion?

Any hints are very welcome.

HTH Wolfgang