jacobian not listed

-----maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu wrote: -----

>To: "maxima-help" <maxima at math.utexas.edu>
>From: Wolfgang Lindner
>Sent by: maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu
>Date: 05/31/2007 11:34AM
>Subject: jacobian not listed

>Here are my questions:
>Q1: where (package?) to find the source code of 'jacobian' and 'hessian'?

The source for jacobian and hessian is in share/linaralgebra/linalg-extra.

>Q2: any hints or recommendations to the definitions above?

I'm not sure of the reason for the one argument limit in dirDer.

>Q3: is there a possibility to get MAXIMA show the source code via a
>question at the command line analog to maple's 'verbose'?

Maxima doesn't have a way to do this. Of course, it could be done ...
