Maxima's solve command assumes that all symbols which are not being solved
for are independent arbitrary parameters. Any equations constraining these
parameters therefore constitute an inconsistency. Try, for example,
solve([x=a,a=1],[x]) vs. solve([x=a,a=1],[x,a]).
To solve your system, just use
Maxima will give you "solutions" for Z1 and Z2 straight from your input, but
that's OK....
On 6/11/07, Ilan Barak <IlanB at> wrote:
> I am a newbie to Maxima,
> Please help me solve this set of equations, resulting from an AC KCL
> problem
> U1: Z1=RR1+1/(S*CC1);
> U2: Z2=RR2+1/(S*CC2);
> U3: V1=(I1-(V1-V2)/RR3)*(Z1+Z2)/(Z1*Z2);
> U4: V2=((V1-V2)/RR3-(V2-V3)/RR4)/(S*CC3);
> U5: V3=(V2-V3)/RR4/(S*CC4);
> solve([U1,U2,U3,U4,U5],[V1,V2,V3]);
> I am interested in finding V3=F(RR1,RR2,RR3,RR4,CC1,CC2,CC3,CC4,S)
> I get the following:
> 1
> (%o2) Z1 = ----- + RR1
> CC1 S
> (%i3)
> 1
> (%o3) Z2 = ----- + RR2
> CC2 S
> (%i4)
> V1 - V2
> (I1 - -------) (Z2 + Z1)
> RR3
> (%o4) V1 = ------------------------
> Z1 Z2
> (%i5)
> V1 - V2 V2 - V3
> ------- - -------
> RR3 RR4
> (%o5) V2 = -----------------
> CC3 S
> (%i6)
> V2 - V3
> (%o6) V3 = ---------
> CC4 RR4 S
> (%i7)
> Inconsistent equations: (1 2)
> -- an error. Quitting. To debug this try debugmode(true);
> What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks
> Ilan
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