Subject: Problem with expand in lagrange interpolation
From: Stavros Macrakis
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 14:11:10 -0400
On 6/13/07, Daniel Lakeland <dlakelan at> wrote:
> so perhaps instead of "expand" try applying "horner"
The horner form doesn't really help, but there are more numerically stable
forms of the interpolation polynomial.
ratm: rat(m), ratprint:false;
=> [[140,393/25],[141,1553/100],[142,1519/100],[143,414/25],
ll: lagrange(ratm) =>
float(subst(x=140,ll)) => 15.72
float(subst(x=140.0,ll)) => -4379.238038800706
float(subst(x=140.0,horner(ll,x))) => -2414.498810582011