> I wonder if it is possible using recently developed graphics code
> to make a world map and put national flags or other images on it
> to indicate the locations of Maxima developers & other interested
> parties. It could be something which is generated once or twice
> a year (doesn't have to updated on demand).
> I know there exists Frappr and probably similar services but I am
> hoping we can come up with something which demonstrates
> Maxima's capabilities.
I have used Mathematica some years ago to represent spatio-temporal
data, drawing polygons as country boundaries (example attached). If
someone is interested, I can submit a copy of a document explaining (in
Spanish) how I did this.
In fact, I was planning (summer work) to bring this idea to Maxima as
part of the draw package. The 'World Boundary Databank' is a public
domain database with polygon coordinates (longitude, latitude) that we
could port to Maxima. After that, it would be easy to use the 'polygon'
object of the 'draw' package and write functions to get different
projections of the Earth.
Internationally yours,
Mario Rodriguez Riotorto
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