Change of variable for differential equation

Suppose I have a differential equation such as

deq: diff(h(x),x) = g(x);

I want to express solutions in terms of a nondimensional variable t
where x depends on t via an affine transformation.

xeqn: x = a*t-b;

how can I most easily accomplish the transformation of this
differential equation into an equation in terms of t?  Preferrably I
would like to accomplish this in an automated way rather than a lot of
by-hand substitutions (the actual equations might be significantly
more complicated)

It obviously doesn't work to simply say subst(xeqn,deq) because I wind
up with something like this:

(%o3) 		      -------- (h(a t - b)) = g(a t - b)
		      da t - b

Is there a way to convert that funky differential operator to an
application of the chain rule? how about for higher derivatives?

Daniel Lakeland
dlakelan at