distinct elements in a list

On 6/17/07, sen1 at math.msu.edu <sen1 at math.msu.edu> wrote:

>   Given a list 'list_1', one way to make a list of the distinct
>   elements of 'list_1' is;
> listify(setify(list_1))$
> Is there a better (i.e., faster) way ?

Glancing at src/nset.lisp, there doesn't seem to be a single
function to do that, and from what I can tell, the formulation
above should work OK.

I think there should be a function specifically for the purpose
of returning the distinct elements of a list; it could be called "unique".

(defun $unique (x)
  (if ($listp x)
    `((mlist) ,@(sorted-remove-duplicates (sort (cdr x) '$orderlessp)))
