implication as infix operator

On 6/24/07, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> wrote:
> On 6/24/07, van Nek <van.nek at> wrote:

You are correct -- Maxima wants to see the infix declaration,
> then the function definition. I will change the documentation
> for infix accordingly.

If so, this is a bug -- it should be fine to define the operator syntax
before or after defining its functional value (or not defining it at all).

But anyway, I haven't been able to reproduce this problem in 5.11 (sorry, I
need to update...)

"##"(a,b) := a^2/b$
"##"(4,5) => 16/5
4##5 => 16/5
a##b := a-b$       redefine functional value
3##2 => 1