> I have taken the liberty of forwarding your message to the
> English-language Maxima mailing list in hope that someone
> there can help. Unfortunately I do not use TeXmacs (nor
> can I speak French except in a very embarassing way).
I don't speak french, but i'll try to response in english.
> Il semble fonctionner sous xMaxima mais il fait planter TexMacs.
> Quelqu'un a-t'il rencontrer ce probl?me ?
> Quel est le moyen pour y rem?dier ?
> J'utilise Ubuntu 5.10.
What version of TeXmacs are using ??
How do you load the file where the function is declared ?
I test your program in TeXmacs 1.0.6 and Maxima 5.12 and
it works fine.
I hope this help.
Juan Pablo Romero Bernal
Grupo Linux Universidad Distrital
Blog: http://jpromerobx.blogspot.com/
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