On 6/28/07, Wolfgang Lindner <LindnerW at t-online.de> wrote:
> I want to know where (and how) to find the source code of the number theoretic functions
> like primep() etc.
> I do:
> (%i) ?? primp
> but the output gives me no hint ..
> and I vergot (or never know) which command tells me the source file in which a function
> definition lives.
Wolfgang, there is no easy way to retrieve the name
of the file in which a function is defined.
Some Lisp implementations (e.g. SBCL and Clisp, and apparently
not GCL) store this information for Lisp functions and
:lisp (describe '$primep)
retrieves it. Note that primep in Maxima is $primep in Lisp.
By the way, this shows primep is defined in ifactor.lisp
(which should be somewhere in your Maxima installation).
Maxima annotates Maxima functions with file name and line information.
load (clebsch_gordan);
fundef (racah_delta);
:lisp $%
I usually just use the Unix commands find and grep to find stuff.
Sorry i can't be more helpful,
Robert Dodier