Thank you. I had wanted to understand what you did, but many of the
functions aren't listed in the maxima manual. Is there a standard
reference out there for those wishing to work on maxima's internals?
On 6/28/07, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> wrote:
> I find these new versions resolve
> the problem you reported, without causing any new errors in the
> Maxima test suite.
> Here is the code.
> (remprop '$apply 'mfexpr*)
> (defun $apply (fun arg)
> (unless ($listp arg)
> (merror "Attempt to apply ~:M to ~M~
> ~%Second argument to `apply' must be a list." fun arg))
> (let ((fun-opr (getopr fun)))
> (autoldchk fun-opr)
> (mapply1 fun-opr (cdr arg) fun `(($apply) ,fun ,arg))))
> (remprop '$outermap 'mfexpr*)
> (defun $outermap (x y &rest z)
> (if z
> (apply #'outermap1 `(,x ,y , at z))
> (fmapl1 x y)))