Differentiate into a sum

Are the expressions

You say "some function" of the sum.

Is this just the composition


  u = sum(a[k]*x[k])

where   a   and    x    are just vectors?

In that case,  du/d(x[k]) is just a[k], so perhaps

  a[k]* subst(u= sum(a[k]*x[k],k,1,n), diff(g(u),u))

does what you want.


On Sun, 1 Jul 2007, Jordi Gutierrez Hermoso wrote:

> How can I do something like finding the derivative wrt to x[r] of some
> function of the sum sum(a[k]*x[k], k, 1, n)? With n an integer greater
> than 1 and r another integer between 1 and n, of course. I'd like
> Maxima to give a pretty answer whenever possible and not expand the
> summation.
> Thanks,
> - Jordi G. H.
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