Maxima: compiling with cmucl, sbcl and gcl.

C. Frangos writes:
> (1) On a suse linux 10.1, 64 bit system, I unpacked Maxima 5.10 in a 
> directory: /home/apps/maxima5.10
> (This installs all the files, etc under: /home/apps/maxima5.10/maxima-5.10.0)
> I executed the commands:
> ../configure --prefix=/home/apps/maxima5.10 --enable-cmucl --enable-sbcl
> --enable-clisp
> make
> make check

--prefix directory _must_ _not_ be the same as build directory (where
maxima tarball is unpacked and make is executed).  Otherwise
result of make install will be complete mess.
Unpack and run configure, make, make install in ANY directory
(some subdir of your personal home directory).  --prefix
specifies directory where maxima will be installed by make install.
All these has nothing to do with maxima specifically - it is
standard way almost any application on Linux is build and installed.
'make install' after 'configure --prefix=/foo/bar' will create
and copy all required Maxima files into this directories



PS: Your timing suggest that there is some serious performance
degradation between 5.10 and 5.12 but it is not possible
to understand what is going on without seeing test in all

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov

       <vvzhy at>
      <vvzhy at>