I'm working on a physical modeling problem concerning N pulsating and
translating spheres in a liquid. In general each sphere has a time-dependent
radius (R) and position (X) and from a programming point of view it would be
very convenient to group the radii and positions of the spheres in arrays so
that I can iterate through the arrays to create new quantities for each
sphere. For example:
N: 2$
array(R, N)$
array(X, N)$
depends([R, X], t)$
velocityPotential(i):= -R[i]^2*diff(R[i], t)/r[i] -
for i: 1 thru N do (
vp[i]:= velocityPotential(i))$
However, sometimes I need to assume that the radius of a particular sphere
doesn't change with time so that diff(R[i],t) = 0 for some particular value
of i. I've tried to do this by using the 'assume' function:
assume(equal(diff(R[i],t), 0))
but this doesn't seem to work for further applications of 'diff', maxima
still gives nonzero values for diff(R[i],t). I've also tried to use
'depends' this way ( depends(R[j],t) for j not equal to i) but this
function doesn't work on arrays. Can anyone point me to a solution? I'm very
new to maxima, I'm sorry if this is an obvious question but I've looked
through the manual and mailing list with no success.