gcl inlining policy

Good point; thanks!

-- Matt
   Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 13:36:39 -0400
   From: Raymond Toy <raymond.toy at ericsson.com>
   CC: camm at enhanced.com, boyer at cs.utexas.edu, robert.dodier at gmail.com,
	   gcl-devel at gnu.org, daly at axiom-developer.org, Maxima at math.utexas.edu,
	   axiom-developer at nongnu.org
   X-OriginalArrivalTime: 06 Jul 2007 17:36:40.0324 (UTC) FILETIME=[360F3440:01C7BFF4]
   X-SpamAssassin-Status: No, hits=-2.6 required=5.0
   X-UTCS-Spam-Status: No, hits=-272 required=200

   Matt Kaufmann wrote:
   > It might be *very* useful to have a user-settable special variable
   > that controls inlining.  I'm imagining that by default, ACL2 would
   > inline all built-in and user-defined function calls that GCL allows,
   > but that when one wants to trace, then it would be nice to be able to
   > rebuild with inlining turned down or off.

   Isn't this what (declaim (inline foo)) is supposed to do?  Granted, it's 
   tedious to specify this for every function foo that you want inlined, 
   but that seems to me the right thing to do too.  I can't imagine wanting 
   to inline every single function! :-)
