Subject: Maxima: compiling with cmucl, sbcl and gcl.
From: C. Frangos
Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2007 20:53:37 +0200
Hi Sheldon,
Thanks for the suggestions.
Is the gcl you installed an rpm package on the Fedora core 6 DVD ? Do you
possibly know from which website can this rpm be downloaded ?
The gcl lisp I could not compile is the file gcl-2.6.7.tar.gz I downloaded
from the gnu website.
In my applications, I have found cmucl to be the fastest (and also easiest to
install). How fast is gcl compared to cmucl ?
In compiling Maxima I tried the command you suggested:
./configure --with-cmucl --enable-sbcl --enable-clisp
but clisp is still used as the default lisp and not cmucl. So I have to type:
rlwrap maxima5.10 -l cmucl
to run maxima, which is ok.
Best regards,
C. Frangos.
To make gcl the default (on Fedora -Core 4,5,or 6), after installing
gcl with yum I change to the maxima source tree and type
./configure --with-gcl
This puts the executables in /usr/local/bin
You can use --prefix if you wish.
To get several lisps available, I do
./configure --with-gcl --enable-cmucl --enable-sbcl
After that, to run a maxima session with, say sbcl, just type
maxima -l sbcl
xmaxima -l sbcl
Similarly, to run it with cmucl just type
maxima -l cmucl
I try to avoid clisp because its execution is very slow. I suppose that it
may have advantages for lisp programmers, but I don't know about that.
At the present time, I don't see much reason to use versions earlier
than 5.12.0
Also, for my purposes, since speed is an issue, sbcl and cmucl work the best.
My current default is cmucl, but I use them both.
On Thu, 5 Jul 2007, C. Frangos wrote:
> Dear Vadim,
> Since my last email I have implemented part of your suggestions as follows.
> Any assistance would be appreciated.
> (1) On a suse linux 10.1, 64 bit system, I unpacked Maxima 5.10 in a
> directory: /home/apps/maxima5.10
> (This installs all the files, etc under:
> /home/apps/maxima5.10/maxima-5.10.0)
> I executed the commands:
> ./configure --prefix=/home/apps/maxima5.10 --enable-cmucl --enable-sbcl
> --enable-clisp
> make
> make check
> (2) Repeated the above for Maxima 5.12, in a directory:
> /home/apps/maxima5.12test
> (3) Repeated (1) and (2) on a suse linux 9.1, 32 bit system.
> (4) Ran my representative program prgm1.mac on all the above maxima
> versions and systems as follows:
> cfrangos at omega:~/axiom> time nohup
> /home/apps/maxima5.10/maxima-5.10.0/maxima-local --lisp=cmucl < prgm1.mac >
> test.dat &
> cfrangos at omega:~/axiom> time nohup
> /home/apps/maxima5.10/maxima-5.10.0/maxima-local --lisp=sbcl < prgm1.mac >
> test.dat &
> cfrangos at omega:~/axiom> time nohup
> /home/apps/maxima5.10/maxima-5.10.0/maxima-local --lisp=clisp < prgm1.mac >
> test.dat &
> (5) The recorded times are as follows:
> amd64: suse linux 10.1, 64 bit, Maxima 5.10, cmucl: 14.7 sec
> amd64: suse linux 10.1, 64 bit, Maxima 5.10, sbcl: 17.7 sec
> amd64: suse linux 10.1, 64 bit, Maxima 5.10, clisp: 64.3 sec
> amd64: suse linux 10.1, 64 bit, Maxima 5.12, cmucl: 170.5 sec
> amd64: suse linux 10.1, 64 bit, Maxima 5.12, sbcl: 200.5 sec
> amd64: suse linux 10.1, 64 bit, Maxima 5.12, clisp: 633.4 sec
> P3 Celeron: suse linux 9.1, 32 bit, Maxima 5.10, cmucl: 174.3 sec
> P3 Celeron: suse linux 9.1, 32 bit, Maxima 5.10, sbcl: 245.5 sec
> (Clisp 2.3 on P3 Celeron does not compile Maxima)
> (P3 Celeron: 333 MHz, amd64: 2.2 GHz.)
> (6) I would have included gcl in the above but am getting errors during
> installation of gcl. I emailed gcl-devel at, camm at, but
> no reply thus far.
> (7) To compile Maxima additionally for gcl, can I only type the commands:
> ./configure --prefix=/home/apps/maxima5.10 --enable-gcl
> make
> make check
> or must the whole process be repeated ?:
> ./configure --prefix=/home/apps/maxima5.10 --enable-cmucl --enable-sbcl
> --enable-clisp --enable-gcl
> make
> make check
> (8) If I execute the command: make install, individually for the Maxima
> 5.10 and 5.12 installations, then a file: maxima will be created in each
> case (not clear where this file will be ?) What is the best way to run
> these files separately, etc (symbolic link ?)
> Thanks very much.
> Best regards,
> C. Frangos.
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