On 7/7/07, Barton Willis <willisb at unk.edu> wrote:
> I think the summand in (%o1) isn't fully simplified:
> (%i44) (3^(i1+1)-2*2^i1)*x^i1;
> (%o44) (3^(i1+1)-2^(i1+1))*x^i1 <--- the summand in (%o1) should
> simplify to this
> The standard expand( ...,0,0) trick doesn't simplify (%o1) to
> the (%o2). Yikes.
Maybe the bug is in the summation code.
What is SIMPSUM supposed to do if called via RESIMPLIFY
or expand('sum(...), 0, 0) or some other means of resimplification?
Is SIMPSUM preventing its summand from being simplified correctly?