Subject: "depends" problem of variables with subscripts
From: Evan
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 23:53:48 +0800
On 7/9/07, Richard Fateman <fateman at> wrote:
> Sure, do the whole computation with x_n_m and before displaying it,
> substitute x[n]^m.
> Except if m=1, this will work, but maybe do x[n]^"1" or some such thing.
I don't think it's a good idea
usually I'd like to see the intermediate results frequently and decide
what to do next, or "intermediate" results are also what I want.
substitute frequently just for displaying would be distracting.
I browsed this mailinglist and noted "using 'depends' and 'assume' on
arrays" post a few days ago, a similar issue is also raised there.
It seems that there are reasons for maxima to support
"depends(x[n],t)" and other such statements. wondering whether it will
be implemented in the (near?) future.