"depends" problem of variables with subscripts

On 7/9/07, Vadim <vadim at vkonovalov.ru> wrote:

> declare_output_tex(d_0_psi_3, "\partial _0 \psi^3");

I believe you want the texput function:
texput (d_0_psi_3, "\\partial _0 \\psi^3");
tex (d_0_psi_3);
 => $$\partial _0 \psi^3$$

> also optionally following:
> declare_output_ascii(d_0_psi_3, "subsup d 0 psi 3");

There is no way (short of Lisp programming) to do that at the moment.
It would be straightforward to modifiy MSIZE-ATOM (for 1-d output)
and DIMENSION-ATOM (for 2-d output) to inspect atoms for the
properties GRIND and DIMENSION, respectively, which at present
are sought only for operators in expressions.

An alternative which might make less of a mess is to modify
NFORMAT (which massages expressions before output) to
look for a property, say NFORMAT, and branch on that.
At present NFORMAT is just a big list of special cases.

If I had to choose I think I would suggest extending NFORMAT.
I think someone mentioned that.

Robert Dodier

PS. It turns out there is a way to make an arbitrary string appear
in place of an atom ... This isn't very pretty. For the record:

nofix (d_0_psi_3);
:lisp (setf (get '$d_0_psi_3 'dissym) (coerce "\\partial _0 \\psi^3" 'list))

 => \partial _0 \psi^3