question about texput

On 7/13/07, Evan <evanxxx at> wrote:
> In TeXmacs, outputs can be customized by texput. But in wxMaxima,
> texput has no affect on ouputs. How can I customize outputs in
> wxMaxima?

There is a similar function called wxxmlput. But to modify the output
you need to know the xml format which wxmaxima uses for display (which
is not documented anywhere - so wxxmlput is basically useless).

Anyway, to display alpha1 as greek alpha with subscript 1, you can enter

wxxmlput(alpha1, sconcat( "<i><g>alpha</g><n>1</n></i>" ));

Note that this breaks copy/paste functionality. If you enter alpha1
and then copy the output from wxmaxima, it will be copied as alpha[1].
