See if rat(expr, var1,var2,...)
Does what you want.
Or if ratexpand does what you need from expand. If so, ratexpand is much
much faster.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: maxima-bounces at
> [mailto:maxima-bounces at] On Behalf Of Harald Geyer
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 4:54 PM
> To: Mike Higgins
> Cc: maxima at
> Subject: Re: [Maxima] Collecting Terms
> > When I
> > look collectterms up in the wxMaxima help index it tells me
> that this is
> > a function for re-arranging forms (whatever they are) that
> are messed up
> > by the facexp package (which does something I cannot decipher).
> "re-arranging forms" means that it takes an expression and returns an
> other but mathematically equivalent expression.
> I think facexp basically does what you want. collectterms() is just a
> special (speed optimized) case of that.
> > That
> > documentation says the arguments are:
> > collectterms(arg_1,...,arg_n)
> > but I was looking for a function with args like:
> > collectterms(expr,var_1,...,var_n)
> This is a bug in the documentation. Your description seems
> appropriate.
> > To my surprise, if I assume that collectterms does what
> I want, it
> > sometimes does! By dumb luck I found that if I expand the
> expression
> > first, then collectterms always works! (Well, it has in two
> cases where
> > I needed it).
> I try to rephrase the documentation a bit to explain what's going on:
> Consider you have two expressions with collected terms with respect
> to the same variables. Now if you just add this two expressions, the
> result usually won't have collected terms, but it's quite easy to do
> the transformation in this case. That's the job of collectterms().
> I think now it is easy to understand, why expand() helps: Each term
> in a full expansion is a trivial case of a term collected expression
> and thus a full expansion is a valid input for collectterms().
> But I assume using other functions from facexp is generally much
> faster than collectterms(expand(expr), var_1, ..., var_n);
> > I'm happy now but how come the documentation was no help
> > whatsoever
> There are not enough people like you giving feedback on it.
> > and where do I go the next time I want to do something different?
> You are new to maxima, I think you did quite well. If you get to
> a weak point of the documentation it will be unavoidable to ask
> some questions on this list or get any other peer support.
> HTH,
> Harald
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