-----maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu wrote: -----
>Does the linearalgebra package have switches to allow the calculations
>to be done with arbitrarily large precision?
Yes. The undocumented function 'linsolve_by_lu' solves a linear system
using partial
(%i1) m : vandermonde_matrix([2,3,42])$
(%i2) b : matrix([1],[1],[4])$
Solve using rational arithmetic without partial pivoting;
(%i3) linsolve_by_lu(m,b);
(%o3) [matrix([263/260],[-1/104],[1/520]),false]
Solve using double floats and partial pivoting; the second list member
in (%o4) is an estimate for the matrix condition number (for rational
arithmetic, the condition number doesn't matter -- thus the second
member of (%o3) is false):
(%i4) linsolve_by_lu(m,b,'floatfield);
Same as (%i4), but use big floats:
(%i5) linsolve_by_lu(m,b,'bigfloatfield),fpprec : 28;
For other options, do ? lu_factor. If somebody would like to document the
'linsovle_by_lu,' go ahead and do so (please---so much has changed in the
way we
do documentation, I'm not sure I know how to do it. Another thing: right
now I can't test
changes to documentation either ).