I don't understand this result...

%r1 stands for an arbitrary constant. Your equations are dependent
(substitute x3=0, and that will become obvious). Use of % sign for
system constants is quite common in Maxima (%e, %i, ...), making it
less likely to clash with user defined variables.

* Patrick Gelin <patrick.gelin at free.fr> [2007-07-23 15:36:51 +0200]:

> Hi,
> (%i7) x1-3*x2+5*x3=0;
> (%o7) 5*x3-3*x2+x1=0
> (%i8) -3*x1+9*x2-7*x3=0;
> (%o8) -7*x3+9*x2-3*x1=0
> (%i9) 2*x1-6*x2+h*x3=0;
> (%o9) h*x3-6*x2+2*x1=0
> (%i10) solve([%o7,%o8,%o9],[x1,x2,x3]);Dependent equations eliminated:  (3)
> (%o10) [[x1=3*%r1,x2=%r1,x3=0]](%i11) 
> I don't understand this result. What is %r1?
> Thank you for your help!
> Patrick
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