[Newbie] expansion of a function as a power series

If you download the CVS version of series, you can do this:

(%i1) load("C:/maximacvs3/src/series.lisp")$

(%i2) powerseries(x/(1-x-x^2),x,0);


The coefficient of x^i1 is

(%i3) first(first(last(last(%))));

The first(first(last(last(...)))  is ugly. For the CVS version of series, 
go to


download the file series.lisp; put the file anywhere. You might
need to load it using a full path name (as I did in (%i1)).


maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu wrote on 07/25/2007 11:16:54 AM:

> Can anyone tell me how to "harvest" the coefficient of x^n in the 
> expansion of the function x/(1-x-x?^2) as a ower series around the 
> regards,
> hugo
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