stuff not in 5.13 branch

One thing I (and I think other users) would very much like to see is a
global key  which transparently turns on and off arbitrary
precision. I realize that this may require redoing some intrinsic
functions, so it may take time to do.  Are any of the current lisps
set up to do this?

I have tried to work on individual variables and functions (at this
point involving algebraic functions no worse than square roots) by
declaring all variables and functions to be bfloat, but for some
reason it doesn't work. Certain of the operations still come back as
float.  Maybe the square root is the problem. I have been using
cmucl. Is that a potential problem?

  The documentation of Maple and Mathematica state that they allows
  whole sessions which work transparently with arbitrary precision, but I have not
  tried them to see if similar problems exist in those packages.

FWIW for the future.


On Sat, 4 Aug 2007, Robert Dodier wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm tagging a 5.13 release branch now. I'll take a moment now to
> mention some stuff which I've brought up on the mailing list,
> which is not going to be in the 5.13 branch. In case anyone was
> wondering.
> (1) documentation category stuff -- sorry, still nowhere near finished.
> (2) customizable TeX environments -- I have a patch but it needs
> work or at least review.
> (3) variable subscript of literal list or matrix -- this concept got
> some support but not enough time before the branch. Next release.
> (4) integer exponents as repeated multiplication -- I dropped this one.
> I'll probably bring up about the underlying problem (reproducibilityof
> floating point results) later on.
> Robert Dodier
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