bigfloats, transparent

----- Original Message -----
From: sen1 at
Date: Saturday, August 4, 2007 1:47 pm
Subject: Re: [Maxima] stuff not in 5.13 branch

> One thing I (and I think other users) would very much like to see 
> is a
> global key  which transparently turns on and off arbitrary
> precision. I realize that this may require redoing some intrinsic
> functions, so it may take time to do.  Are any of the current lisps
> set up to do this?

There is a "generic arithmetic" package that I've posted that would allow fairly transparent use of bigfloats from lisp, but "setting a global key" is not a workable approach. 

Declaring something to be a bigfloat is, so far as I can tell, entirely without any effect.  If you want a number that is produced somewhere to become a bigfloat, multiply it by 1.0b0.
Square root should not be a problem, unless perhaps you are expecting a complex or imaginary result.


>  The documentation of Maple and Mathematica state that they allows
>  whole sessions which work transparently with arbitrary precision, 
> but I have not
>  tried them to see if similar problems exist in those packages.

I would say that this is pretty much of a lie, if you expect something that works with single machine float to work the same way (transparently) with arbitrary precision.   
If you expect that you can do a computation in, say, 100 decimal digits of "arbitrary" precision and then transparently do it in say, 200 decimal digits, then the algorithm is more likely to be transparently the same.

