Maxima 5.13.0 release candidate 1

Robert Dodier writes:
> On 8/5/07, Vadim V. Zhytnikov <vvzhy at> wrote:
>>> Vadim Zh, if you can create a Windows installer, that would be terrific.
>> Uploaded to SF.
> Vadim, thanks for creating the installer. I tried it on Windows Vista
> and it seems to work OK except that some tests fail, namely the
> ones which call the Lisp COMPILE function. It looks like GCL
> cannot find GCC or some part of GCC. I think I had this same
> problem before and I might have fixed it by changing the system
> PATH variable. But it would be better to make it run right out of
> the box. There is also a 5.12.0 installation (from installer
> maxima-5.12.0a.exe) and it runs all tests successfully.
> A complicating factor is that there is a broken Cygwin installation
> on this computer (installation failed part way through ... sigh).
> Dunno if that could interfere with GCL + GCC.
> Thanks for your help,
> Robert

I'm really puzzled.  The only change I introduced in 5.12.0a compared
to 5.12.0 is extra path to cc1.exe directory in maxima.bat.
And this change apparently fixed compilation problem.
And so it remains in 5.12.99rc1.  Take a look at maxima.bat file.
Reflecting on Volker's report it looks like Vista remembers
some previous installation parameters. Insane?
At present I don't have any other ideas.

The bad thing is that I don't have access to Vista and don't
expect to get one in the foreseeable future.  Maybe we have
to get new Windows Maxima maintainer who has direct access
to Vista?

With best regards,


      Vadim V. Zhytnikov

       <vvzhy at>
      <vvzhy at>