Subject: How to use Maxima from within C++ program (CGI)?
From: vkonovalov at (Konovalov, Vadim Vladimirovich (Vadim)** CTR **)
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 14:56:49 +0200
> GiNaC library have a parser so I can easy transform
> strings to expressions and vice versa in C++.
you do not realize that this way you'll spend much more programming
efforts and time
C++ programmers have low productivity due to too low level programming.
Programmers are often too conservative: someone somehow convinced them
that C++ (or java) is the best and they will never even try looking into
lisp, or perl, or whatever.
> The question about Lisp is wether is possible to make
> CGI with it? In C++ I have cgicc library that is doing
> all the dirty work.
may be quick link at will help?
Best regards,