list of loaded mac files

On Sun, Aug 12, 2007 at 12:48:43PM -0700, Richard Fateman wrote:
> Any time I am doing more than a few operations in sequence, with the intention of keeping track, I put the commands in a "batch" file and execute from that.   Then I run batch on the file.  This assumes there are no really time-consuming steps.

I do a similar thing, only what I do is I open a .mac file into an
emacs buffer, then I make sure to start "maxima-mode" on the buffer
("M-x maxima-mode"). Then in a separate window I start an "inferior
maxima" using "M-x maxima".

Now I can select a region of code in my .mac file and type "C-x C-r"
and it will send this code to the inferior maxima in the other window,
and show the results.

If anything crashes, my .mac file is basically a complete log of
everything I've done so far.

This same technique works using the "ESS" mode to interact with the
statistical software R, and using the "sql" mode to interact with
various SQL databases, the "slime" mode for Common Lisp, and I assume
it works similarly with other interactive programming languages like
Python and soforth.

Daniel Lakeland
dlakelan at