lisp string to maxima expression

Am 27 Aug 2007 um 22:39 hat Yigal Asnis geschrieben:

> I'm working on web site for interactive solving math problems using Lisp (clisp) as CGI.
> One thing I can't realize: I get Lisp input from CGI, say x^2+x+7. How can I convert it to Maxima 
> expression for diff or solve?

Hi Yigal,

maybe in eval_string.lisp and stringproc.lisp you find what you are looking for.

eval_string evaluates and parse_string parses a Maxima string. To convert a Lisp string into 
a Maxima string you can use sunlisp from stringproc (see manual 72.1 introduction to string 

Volker van Nek